Dog Food Ingredients
July 3, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
The American pet food industry brings in $16.1 billion each year selling a variety of food products, but which one is best? If you spend any time searching the Internet for nutritional information about dog food, you will soon find that there is a huge controversy between those who feed commercial dog foods and those […]
Doggie Strains and Sprains
June 19, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
As summer starts warming up the weather, it’s time to remember to warm up our dogs before taking them out for vigorous physical exercise. If you and your dog have begun to resemble couch potatoes over the long, cold winter, your muscles will need some conditioning before you begin jogging or participating in other outdoor […]
Take Your Dog to Work Day
June 19, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
It’s that time of year again! For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to bring our dogs to work every day, June 25th is the official Take Your Dog to Work day. According to, the tradition was first started by Pet Sitters International in 1999 as a way to encourage dog adoptions. Take […]
June 5, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
I’ve never personally seen a flyball tournament but it looks like a lot of fun. If you’re not familiar with the sport, it involves a dog running down a run which includes jumps (similar to hurdles). When the dog gets to the end of the course, he hits a trigger on the box, which launches […]
Socializing Your New Puppy
June 5, 2010 by Beth
Filed under The Puppy Corner
One of your most important jobs as a puppy parent is to properly socialize your new little bundle of joy. Good, early, and consistent socialization can prevent a number of problems as the puppy grows older. For example, socialization can help curb stranger anxiety, fear biting, and aggression. A previous socialization article in our doggies den […]
Top Five Signs of Canine Cancer
June 5, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
Canine cancer: it’s a diagnosis that strikes fear in the bravest of us; so much so that we might want to ignore the warning signs to avoid hearing the word. This isn’t usually the best strategy, however, as early detection is conclusively linked to longer survival. Maggie’s Story My Golden Retriever Maggie was given a […]
Teaching Your Dog to Walk with Manners
May 6, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
The results of a recent Saturday Survey on our blog indicated that a few of you have dogs who walk with perfect manners, some even without a leash. For the rest of us, here are some strategies you can use which will lead to more enjoyable walks for both of you. Why is a […]
Whelping Puppies
May 6, 2010 by Beth
Filed under The Puppy Corner
Congratulations! You’re about to have grand-puppies. Other than finding out that you and your spouse were expecting, this may be the most terrifying news you will ever hear. Relax – take a deep breath. Counting from the day your dog was mated, you’ll have somewhere in the neighborhood of 65 days to prepare for the […]
The Dreaded Parvovirus
May 6, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
If you follow celebrity news, you’ll know that Oprah recently took in two Cocker Spaniel Puppies from Paws Chicago. Soon after she got them, little Ivan passed away from Parvovirus. Sadie, who also had the disease, recovered. Parvo is one of the most common viral illnesses in dogs, and is particularly common in puppies. So, […]
The BARF Diet
April 24, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
OK, so I’m not wild about the name of this diet, but it does have some good qualities. BARF, quite simply, stands for Bones and Raw Food or sometimes Biologically Appropriate Raw Food. Bones Although bones may seem like they’re dead, they are actually living tissue and a very good source of nutrients. They are […]