It’s Back to (Obedience) School Time
September 12, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training, Featured Articles
It’s September! You’ve picked the last of your vegetables and are now waiting on your pumpkins to ripen. You’ve started packing up your summer stuff and getting out the fall lawn equipment, clothes, and decorations. You’ve sent your kids back to school. (Yeah!) But what about your dog? Does your four-legged best friend need a […]
Surrendering a Dog at a Shelter
September 12, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition, Featured Articles
I can’t have a dog at my new apartment. He’s sick. She’s too old. My kids are allergic to him. She’s too rambunctious. He’s too big. She bit my new boyfriend. The people who work in shelters have heard all of these reasons and more. Every day, someone shows up on their doorstep and surrenders […]
Herding Dog Trials
August 28, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training, Featured Articles
Have you ever watched a sheep dog work? It’s amazing to me that they can move a whole herd just by the look in their eyes. It’s your mother’s evil eye, on steroids. Competitive events featuring herding dogs are often called Sheepdog Trials, but the term “Sheepdog” is used to indicate the function for which […]
How Do I Say Goodbye to My Dog?
August 28, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
OK, so that sounds like a country song title, but it’s actually a serious topic of interest to every dog family, because all of us will go through it at some point, hopefully later rather than sooner. When it is time for your dog to go to that big park in the sky, what can […]
Doggie Dentistry
August 14, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
Most people have, by now, seen the commercial for the bone that is made to clean your dog’s teeth. The commercial suggests that if dogs want beautiful teeth, we ought to buy them dentures. The pictures are really funny, but the topic itself is serious. Just as in humans, good oral health can be a […]
Camping With Your Dog
July 30, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
Do you love the idea of camping out under the stars? Lying on the ground with just your sleeping bag to keep you warm? Or setting up a tent in one of the wilderness areas near you? Your trip might include hiking, swimming, backpacking, and yes, even your dog! Preparing for your camping trip The […]
Keeping Your Dog’s Joints Healthy
July 30, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
Although we normally think of aching joints associated with older dogs, you should begin to think about your dog’s joint health before the dog is even born and continue with strategies to maintain healthy joints throughout the dog’s whole life. Preventing joint disease before it starts is a much better strategy than trying to deal […]
Dog Agility
July 18, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
If both you and your dog have a bit of athletic ability, agility may be just the sport you are looking for to allow you to bond with your dog while getting some exercise. You must be prepared for the fact that you will get as good of a workout as you are giving your […]
Hot Weather Hazards
July 18, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Health and Nutrition
Summer is in full swing, and it’s only going to get hotter from now on. Are you aware of the dangers that can beset your dog due to the heat? The very first thing you must remember is that dogs cannot sweat. The human body produces sweat to cool the body. Just as you are […]
Lure Coursing
July 3, 2010 by Beth
Filed under Dog Activities and Training
There are many sporting activities your dog may enjoy, but if you have a sighthound, perhaps the most fun will be lure coursing. The combination of running at full speed and chasing a lure uses your dog’s natural prey drive to provide great exercise as well as a mental workout. The history of lure coursing […]